alternativni oblici obrazovanja
alternativni životni stilovi i otpor u svakodnevnici
avangarda, neoavangarda
demokratska opozicija društveni pokreti državni nadzor
etnički pokreti
feministički pokret
film filozofski/teoretski pokreti glazba
kazalište i izvedbene umjetnosti
književnost i književna kritika kritička znanost
lijepe umjetnosti
manjinski pokreti
mirovni pokreti nacionalni pokreti narodna kultura
nezavisno novinarstvo
omladinska kultura partijski disidenti
pokreti za ljudska prava
popularna kultura
preživjele žrtve progona autoritarnih/totalitarnih režima
prizivatelji savjesti
samizdat i tamizdat
studentski pokreti umjetnosti novih medija underground kultura
vizualne umjetnosti
vjerski aktivizam zaštita okoliša
znanstvena kritika
crteži i karikature
glasovne snimke
glazbene snimke
grafike memorabilije
odjeća ostala umjetnička djela
pravna i/ili financijska dokumentacija predmeti primijenjene umjetnosti publikacije rukopisi
rukotvorine siva literatura
slike tehnička oprema video snimke
The private collection created and owned by Piotr ‘Pietia’ Wierzbicki contains hardcore punk fanzines, articles, and papers from the 1980s, including the original matrices of ‘QQRYQ’ fanzine edited and published by Wierzbicki from 1985. ‘QQRYQ’ was the leading Polish magazine about the underground punk scene and Wierzbicki became an influential author and promoter on that scene.
Polish Rock Granary in Jarocin, a branch of the Regional Museum, possesses a unique collection of photographs, documents, and films related to the history of Polish rock music, dated from 1959 until today. The most interesting exhibits are presented at a permanent exhibition, available also on-line. The history of Polish rock is not only the evolution of the genre and styles, bands, albums, concerts, and festivals; it is also the dissent against the dominant culture and the search for an alternative. The location of Polish Rock Granary is by no means coincidental. In the 1980s the small town of Jarocin hosted the Rock Musicians’ Festival that attracted rock music fans and alternative culture participants from all over Poland, and even from Czechoslovakia and GDR.
Polja magazine [Fields in English], is one of the longest running periodicals in the former Yugoslavia, and was first published in 1955 in Novi Sad. Throughout 506 issues, Polja has covered important periods in Yugoslav cultural history and has featured young authors in the fields of literature, cultural theory, and literary and film criticism. The magazine has a history of providing a platform for social criticism, as it became inseparable from the youth-led organization Tribina mladih [Tribune of Youth] which criticized the social and political situation in the country and the culture of its time.
The collection at the Popmuseum includes both written and audiovisual archive materials and other tangible artefacts that relate to Czech and Slovak pop music. The institution, besides running the museum and holding popular activities, also manages a large archive. The collection is the biggest of its kind in the Czech Republic. Pop music, not only rock, is seen by the museum in a complex context but the collection and the exposition describe opposition activities connected with the phenomenon of “West” and “undesirable” music genres from 1950s until 1980s in Czechoslovakia as well.
The collection Public Against Violence is a large archival collection that documents the activities of this movement during the Velvet Revolution in 1989 and then as a political party until 1992. This collection contains valuable materials, including letters from the public and other documents, thematising the presence of cultural opposition.