alternativni oblici obrazovanja
alternativni životni stilovi i otpor u svakodnevnici
avangarda, neoavangarda
demokratska opozicija društveni pokreti državni nadzor
etnički pokreti
feministički pokret
film filozofski/teoretski pokreti glazba
kazalište i izvedbene umjetnosti
književnost i književna kritika kritička znanost
lijepe umjetnosti
manjinski pokreti
mirovni pokreti nacionalni pokreti narodna kultura
nezavisno novinarstvo
omladinska kultura partijski disidenti
pokreti za ljudska prava
popularna kultura
preživjele žrtve progona autoritarnih/totalitarnih režima
prizivatelji savjesti
samizdat i tamizdat
studentski pokreti umjetnosti novih medija underground kultura
vizualne umjetnosti
vjerski aktivizam zaštita okoliša
znanstvena kritika
crteži i karikature
glasovne snimke
glazbene snimke
grafike memorabilije
odjeća ostala umjetnička djela
pravna i/ili financijska dokumentacija predmeti primijenjene umjetnosti publikacije rukopisi
rukotvorine siva literatura
slike tehnička oprema video snimke
In 1963 the painter and graphic artist Roger Loewig was arrested following his first privately organised exhibition in East-Berlin. Throughout the regime, Loewig denied socialist realism artistic forms of production, while his artworks were considered subversive. After almost one year of imprisonment, Loewig was released in the GDR with the support from the Protestant Church from West Germany. Loewig’s release on three years probation could not be prevented. It was only 1972 that the artist could leave the GDR and settled in West-Berlin. Following his death in 1997, Loewig’s private fine-arts collection was bestowed by the Roger Loewig Association. This was founded in 1998 in Frankfurt Oder. Since 2000 the fine-arts legacy of the artist is preserved by the Federal Foundation for Reappraisal of the SED Dictatorship. This aims at facilitating the scientific documentation and preservation of Loewig' artistic legacy. The literary and biographical works are currently on hold at the Academy of Arts in Berlin.