alternativni oblici obrazovanja
alternativni životni stilovi i otpor u svakodnevnici
avangarda, neoavangarda
demokratska opozicija društveni pokreti državni nadzor
etnički pokreti
feministički pokret
film filozofski/teoretski pokreti glazba
kazalište i izvedbene umjetnosti
književnost i književna kritika kritička znanost
lijepe umjetnosti
manjinski pokreti
mirovni pokreti nacionalni pokreti narodna kultura
nezavisno novinarstvo
omladinska kultura partijski disidenti
pokreti za ljudska prava
popularna kultura
preživjele žrtve progona autoritarnih/totalitarnih režima
prizivatelji savjesti
samizdat i tamizdat
studentski pokreti umjetnosti novih medija underground kultura
vizualne umjetnosti
vjerski aktivizam zaštita okoliša
znanstvena kritika
crteži i karikature
glasovne snimke
glazbene snimke
grafike memorabilije
odjeća ostala umjetnička djela
pravna i/ili financijska dokumentacija predmeti primijenjene umjetnosti publikacije rukopisi
rukotvorine siva literatura
slike tehnička oprema video snimke
The CNSAS Online Collection (CNSAS – Romanian acronym for the National Council for the Study of the Securitate Archives) illustrates how the communist secret police, the Securitate, conceptualised: (1) oppositional groups and individuals in communist Romania; (2) the forms in which this opposition manifested against the party-state; and (3) the transnational support it received from the exile community and foreign organisations. It also encompasses an impressive amount of invaluable information about the inner mechanisms of the Securitate, its institutional development and relationship with the Communist Party, the use of repression against any form of opposition, and the use of surveillance to avoid the development of oppositional groups and networks during its over forty years of functioning. In brief, this collection offers a comprehensive image of the means and methods used by the communist secret police, the Securitate, to deal with the anti-communist opposition between 1948 and 1989, and the response it received from oppositional groups and individuals.
The Mirel Leventer private collection of photographs and films is the richest archive of images from the period of glory of Club A, 1969–1989, when it operated as a (semi-) clandestine and exclusive club, founded and administered by students of the Institute of Architecture in Bucharest (today the Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urbanism). Club A was an oasis of freedom created in a basement in the middle of the historic area of the capital of communist Romania for the purpose of being able to organise shows, debates, and concerts that would be an alternative to the officially promoted culture, and to offer young people a place where they could behave as if they were free. In short, the Mirel Leventer private collection preserves the memory of an essential place for the alternative culture of young people in the last two decades of Romanian communism.
Komisija za ideološko-politički rad (1945.-1962.) Narodne omladine Hrvatske (NOH) bila je presudna u formiranju i usmjeravanju mladih ljudi na temelju socijalističkih vrijednosti. Komisija je djelovala pod pokroviteljstvom Komunističke partije, a njezina je primarna zadaća bila pratiti sve aktivnosti oporbene režimu. Stoga brojni dokumenti ove zbirke u razdoblju od 1945. do 1962. godine pokazuju različite oporbene težnje i aktivnosti mladih ljudi u Hrvatskoj u neposrednom poslijeratnom razdoblju do početka 1960-ih.
The Cornel Chiriac Ad-hoc Collection at CNSAS comprises documents created or collected by the Romanian secret police, the Securitate, about Cornel Chiriac, a non-conformist Romanian journalist and jazz drummer, together with letters written by his fans, which were intercepted by the Securitate and never reached him. Cornel Chiriac was one of the most beloved radio and record producers at Radio Romania and then at Radio Free Europe and became an idol of the younger generation in the late 1960s and the 1970s.