Donation of Ferdinand Peroutkaʼs legacy to the Museum of Czech Literature
Slávka Peroutková was the third wife of the Czech journalist and dramatist Ferdinand Peroutka. She lived with him in the United States and they together worked at Radio Free Europe. Ferdinand Peroutka died in New York in 1978, and Slávka Peroutková decided to return to Czechoslovakia after November 1989. Ten years later, in 1999, she donated Ferdinand Peroutkaʼs exile legacy to the Museum of Czech Literature.
Praha, Prague, Czech Republic
Pokaži na karti
Početna godina ključnog događaja
- 1999
Glavni sudionici
Autor ove stranice
- Kůželová, Michaela
Ključni događaj u povijesti zbirke
2019-02-12 10:20:41