Donation and archival works of the collection done in Blinken-OSA Archives, 2017-2018
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The research collection of Béla Nóvé was donated to Blinken-OSA Archives, Budapest, in 2017. It was organized, catalogued, and supplied with detailed finding aids by Senior Audiovisual Archivist Zsuzsa Zádori and Béla Nóvé. This phase was completed by September 2018, and since then the collection is open for public research.
Budapest, Hungary
Pokaži na karti
Mrežna stranica
Početna godina ključnog događaja
- 2017
Glavni sudionici
Autor ove stranice
- Nóvé, Béla
Ključni događaj u povijesti zbirke
2019-01-30 18:15:22