Book 'Darzhavna sigurnost i balgarskata inteligentsia' [State Security and the Bulgarian Intelligenzia]
In 2015, the "Commission for Disclosure of Documents and Announcing Affiliation of Bulgarian Citizens with the State Security and the Intelligence Services of the Bulgarian National Armed Forces" (Bulgarian acronym: CRDOPBGDSRSBNA), commonly known as "Commission for Dossiers" published collected archival documents about the relationship between the State Security and the Bulgarian intelligentsia, with an introductory chapter. The printed volume includes 72, the e-version 144 archival documents: reports by agents, action plans, various information by intelligence agents and other documents, arranged chronologically. The book appeared as volume N 31 in the series "From the Archives of the DS [State Security]".
Početna godina ključnog događaja
Dokumenti o ključnom događaju
Ključni događaj u povijesti zbirke
2018-04-26 15:02:34