Filtri ˆ

Literature and Music Museum, Latvia

The Museum of Literature and Music was founded in 1925. It is an institution of national importance, working under the Ministry of Culture and funded by the government. Its main mission is to nurture the heritage of Latvian literature, theatre, cinema and music, as well as art, as far as it is connected with the main fields of interest. The museum's collection consists of more than 900,000 items.


Mrežna stranica

Datum osnivanja

  • 1925

Akronim (ako postoji)

  • LMM

Vrsta organizacije

  • muzej

Način upravljanja

  • državna/javna organizacija

Uloge  dionika u zbirci

Autor ove stranice

  • Bleiere, Daina
2018-10-11 12:25:44