alternativni oblici obrazovanja
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avangarda, neoavangarda
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etnički pokreti
feministički pokret
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lijepe umjetnosti
manjinski pokreti
mirovni pokreti nacionalni pokreti narodna kultura
nezavisno novinarstvo
omladinska kultura partijski disidenti
pokreti za ljudska prava
popularna kultura
preživjele žrtve progona autoritarnih/totalitarnih režima
prizivatelji savjesti
samizdat i tamizdat
studentski pokreti umjetnosti novih medija underground kultura
vizualne umjetnosti
vjerski aktivizam zaštita okoliša
znanstvena kritika
crteži i karikature
glasovne snimke
glazbene snimke
grafike memorabilije
odjeća ostala umjetnička djela
pravna i/ili financijska dokumentacija predmeti primijenjene umjetnosti publikacije rukopisi
rukotvorine siva literatura
slike tehnička oprema video snimke
The collection of incomplete investigative files at the National Archives of Estonia is an extensive, though partial, set of investigative files about people who were persecuted during the Soviet period. A significant part of the collection is made up of the files of persecuted cultural figures. The cases included in this collection were still open when the KGB was liquidated in 1991.
This collection comprises documents (including trial records) relating to the group known as the “National Patriotic Front,” which are currently held in the National Archive of the Republic of Moldova (ANRM). These materials were transferred to the ANRM from the Archive of the Intelligence and Security Service of the Republic of Moldova (formerly the KGB Archive). This group operated in the Moldovan Soviet Socialist Republic (MSSR) in the late 1960s and the early 1970s as the only significant organisation in the MSSR with a clear-cut and coherent oppositional message.